How Blockchain Can Be Used In AI

Blockchain Use Cases in AI

Every top brands and business are started to use AI accompanied by data science to improve their customer experience. Like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are already using AI for the betterment of their business, and to suggest products by understanding customer behaviors with deep learning. Apart from this let us check how blockchain is favoring the AI with immense use cases.
AI use cases
Source: cointelegraph
According to Paul Lee, the CEO of Mind AI, Blockchain plays an essential role in making data management a completely decentralized one. 
Why we have denoted the above statement of paul lee is, 90% of use case in the blockchain completely relies on the data management. 
  • Decentralization
The use of centralized cloud storage can be demolished by the blockchains decentralization concept. So there is no central authority can control your data while those are stored in the blockchain. Since blockchain is distributed and decentralized copy of processed data will be distributed to all the nodes of the network. So, if any of the nodes is compromised there is no possibility to hack the entire data. Blockchain neglects the use of centralized cloud storage. 
  • Increases Tracking Power
In general, AI is a machine intelligence requires human intelligence-powered computer systems. Decisions taken by AI Bots are difficult to be understood by humans, but with the help of blockchain, we can track the thinking process and can help us to understand the decision made on processed data. 
  • Improves the Computing
Though AI Bots are powered by machine intelligence they can’t execute a task without actually getting explicit instructions from outside.
  • Security & Privacy
Blockchain with AI can improve security in storing and retrieving the data. AI Is not revamping only one sector, but revamp many industries including health sectors. An AI-powered company DeepMind, already using blockchain to improve the security level of user data. 
  • Scalability
Blockchain with AI can use federated learning a new type of decentralized learning model to increase the data storage and keep secure the entire system an efficient one.


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